⭐️ Global Talent Visa
March 27, 2023
Updated on
March 27, 2023

Applying for the Global Talent Visa: Am I a technical or business candidate?

Applying for the Global Talent Visa: Am I a technical or business candidate?

If you intend to apply for the Global Talent Visa in digital technology, you need to figure out whether you are a technical or business applicant. You don’t need a job offer to get the Tech Nation Visa, but you do need a definite background.

Types of applicants for the Global Talent Visa in digital tech

  • TECHNICAL (even from non-technical organisations).

It’s pretty simple –– if you are a programmer, this option is for you. It is required to prove your deep expertise in building, using, deploying or exploiting a technology stack and building technical infrastructure in product-led companies.

  • BUSINESS (only from technical organisations).

This option is for those who don’t do programming themselves, but hold senior positions in the IT industry (senior sales experts, product managers, and C-level executives (CEOs, CMOs, CROs.) You are a good fit if you can demonstrate a proven product, commercial or investment expertise in building digital products in product-led companies.

Brief examples of skills and experience according to tech nation

Technical applicants:

  • CTOs
  • Technical heads/leads (all levels)
  • DevOps/SysOps engineers
  • Software engineers/developers
  • Data scientists
  • AI, NLP, ML experts
  • Cybersecurity experts
  • Hardware engineers
  • Front-end/back-end developers
  • Operating systems engineers
  • Video game developers
  • UX/UI designers
  • Product designers
  • Mobile App developers
  • Virtual reality developers
  • Solutions architects

Business applicants:

  • C-level positions
  • Commercial/business leads
  • VC investors and VC founders
  • UX/UI researchers
  • Project/product managers
  • SaaS or enterprise sales executives (with contribution to the development of the product)
  • Senior VC or PE analysts (with track records of leading investments in digital businesses)

Which job positions are not suitable for the UK Global Talent Visa

Regarding the technical background, the eligibility conditions are pretty obvious, but for the business candidates it can be more difficult to figure out whether their professional experience is applicable or not.

According to Tech Nation, the following specialisations and fields are generally not suitable for the Global Talent Visa:

  • Service Delivery
  • Process Delivery
  • Outsourcing
  • Consulting
  • Systems Admin
  • Software Integration; other similar fields
  • Business roles in non product-led digital companies

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