⭐️ Global Talent Visa
March 27, 2023
Updated on
March 27, 2023

What are the next steps after receiving the Global Talent Visa?

What are the next steps after receiving the Global Talent Visa?

Congratulations — you have received your Global Talent Visa! What’s next? We’ve prepared a step-by-step guide to help you with the paperwork at this stage.

If you missed the previous stages of the Global Talent Visa process, read our blogpost about endorsement application and immigration application. We’re sharing tips on how to compile your case for Tech Nation and what documents you need to submit for the visa itself.

Immigram also assists at the Global Talent Visa endorsement application stage*. Calculate your chances of getting the visa with our scoring test and get detailed feedback from our team.

* All immigration advice is provided by OISC regulated partner. Ref No. F202100337

Travelling to the UK

Once your Global Talent Visa application is approved, you will receive a vignette sticker at the visa centre. With this sticker, you have to enter the UK within 3 months (90 days) and receive the Biometric Residence Permit (BRP). If you fail to do so, you will have to apply and pay for a replacement vignette.

The BRP is a plastic credit-card sized visa valid for the full length of the Global Talent Visa. Nationals of EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland with a biometric passport will be granted a digital immigration status instead of a vignette/BRP.

Entering the UK

Once you arrive in the UK, you will have your vignette checked and stamped by a Home Office immigration officer.

Nationals of an EU Country, Australia, Canada, Iceland, Japan, Liechtenstein, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland, and the USA — holders of biometric passports — will instead enter through ''eGates'' without having to speak to an immigration officer if they travel without a child under 12 years old.

Nationals of these countries will need to retain their boarding pass, travel itinerary, or other evidence of entering the UK and show it during the Leave to Remain (ILR) application process.

💬 Immigram notes:
“Global Talent Visa holders can live and work in the UK for up to 5 years and then they can apply for ILR and later for British Citizenship. The qualifying period depends on which criteria your visa is granted under – either Exceptional Talent (3 years) or Exceptional Promise (5 years). Read our blog to learn more about the Global Talent Visa benefits.”

Collecting BRPs

As a Global Talent Visa holder, you will need to get the Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) either within 10 days after arriving in the UK or before their vignette expires, whichever is sooner. You will find the information about when and where you must collect the BRP in the Home Office letter with the outcome of the immigration application. BRPs are usually collected from designated post offices.

A BRP can be used to confirm your:

  • Identity
  • Right to study or work in the UK
  • Right to any public services or benefits you are entitled to

All Global Talent applicants and their family members are required to give their biometrics — scans of fingerprints and a digital photograph. Applicants under 6 years old will have to submit only a photograph.

Your BRP will include:

  • Your name, date and place of birth
  • Your biometrics
  • Your immigration status and any conditions of your stay
  • Your right to access public funds (benefits, health services, etc.)
  • Your National Insurance (NI) number on the back of the permit. If your BRP does not include an NI number, you will need to apply for one.

When you attend the post office you must bring with you:

  • The passport which contains your vignette
  • (If possible) Your decision letter with you — it will help the post office staff to find your BRP quickly
💬 Immigram notes:
“Foreign nationals in the UK are not required to register with the police as of August 2022. They also no longer have to notify the police of any updated personal details.”

Registering with a doctor (GP)

Although this is not a necessary part of the immigration process, managing your ongoing medical care is still vital. A GP (general practitioner) is a local family doctor and your first contact if you get sick. GPs can treat many different conditions, write prescriptions, and refer you to NHS services available for you since you paid the Healthcare Surcharge. More about it here.

The registration with a GP is free of charge. Also, once registered, you will not have to pay for your visits to the doctor. You are not required to provide proof of address or immigration status, ID or an NHS number to register, but it would be helpful to do so.

1) You need to find your local GP here. You can register with any GP in your area as long as they have space for new patients. After choosing your GP, you can either:

  • Visit the Health Centre in person and ask to register at the GP reception
  • Check the GP surgery website to see if you can register online
  • Call/email the GP’s office to be registered as a patient

2) You also need to fill in a registration form. If you decide to register online — download the form, complete it, and send it to the GP’s office.

After all these you are a Global Talent Visa holder. You have successfully relocated to the UK.

Don’t miss out on our blog’s updates, as we talk about life in the UK — how to rent an apartment, find a job, and pay your taxes.

Immigram also offers post-relocation services — from renting an apartment to opening a business bank account.

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